Some responses to Peter Levenda's passage in Sinister Forces, vol. 3, The Manson Secret (taken from a post at the Stormy Weather Inner Forum):
Some key ideas from the passage:
"artists are the first point of contact for upcoming events of a global nature."
the question this raises in my mind is: can artists and art-forms then be used to actually shape and direct - to summon in the sorcerous sense - events? Artists are attuned to growing memes, and by expressing their own impressions of these thought-forms or mind-viruses, they inevitably make the memes stronger. So - what if memes are created from whole cloth by the corporate control system of HW (apparently for commercial agendas, but actually with subtler intent), using artists-for-hire (former artists, now "hacks") to give substance and Imaginal resonance to these memes, as in (e.g.) when Spielberg was (possibly) recruited by US intelligence to make E.T.? (And, to address a somewhat stickier area of false narrative creation, Schindler's List.)
"Hollywood is the new religion of America and, to a certain extent, of the rest of the world as well. Hollywood brings the gods ... down to earth, where they can be seen and heard and touched by the masses."
Once again the idea of magikal evocation is suggested here. What if stars are actually tulpas, thought forms created via sorcery using the fantasies of the sleeping masses - and not human at all? Just an idea!
To bring it a little closer to Earth, what if the humans who are chosen to become stars - having been primed or initiated to this end - then become vessels or "hosts" for archetypal/demonic energies to work through? Could this relate to why Scientology is so prevalent in HW - because stars need to be handled at a metaphysical level? They are literally "high" (magik) maintenance!
The energy stars draw off the masses - via their charisma and sexual magnetism - would then be directed towards these entities or forces for their own sustenance. This would enable the creation and maintenance of a subtle power system by which - as of old - the gods devour the awareness of their worshippers - and by the traditional method no less: that of "idols."
So, every time someone gazes lovingly, or admiringly, or desirously, at an image - moving or otherwise - of a "star" - just as through supplication and prayer - their psychic energy, prana, orgone, whathaveyou, is being directed, into and through that image, to a hidden recipient. Energy follows thought.
This would be why the sexual element is so key to HW movies and to star-appeal.
In the same book, another passage (pg. 346, quoting Wolfgang Pauli), Levenda addresses this idea of "a ‘magical’ connection between sexuality and eroticism on the one hand, and political or historical events on the other.” Levenda then posits “the political ramifications of a consciousness that can be manipulated as much as subatomic particles can be manipulated, but using as the ‘energy source’ … ‘sexuality’ and… ‘eros,’ resulting in the phenomenon of induced synchronicity.”
What a can of worms indeed.
Moving on:
"Americans emulate movie characters more than they do the saints of their religions: they dress like them, drive the same cars, have the same attitudes, talk like them, and eventually adopt the same cultural mores."
This relates directly to the idea I posited in the last podcast, that tulpa creation is a way to direct the species into specific modes and mores of behavior, via imitation. Stars would be particularly affective because of course one single star (tulpa) can reach millions via a movie, and what’s more, they are not just imitated but admired and emulated at a far deeper level, that of worship, i.e., complete subjugation. People would "give anything" to meet such and such a star (or to be a star, which of course they know can never happen - hence proximity is the best they can hope for). As in the myths of Vampires, humans are mesmerized and willingly submit to the devouring supernatural presence, if only for the chance of a taste of immortality!
Tulpa creation could be achieved via a combination of stars and specific narratives/characters, such as, for example, Clint Eastwood and Dirty Harry, or Bruce Willis and the Die Hard persona, or Stallone and Rambo - all of which are maverick heroes who represent the lone wolf, "rebel" figure, and yet actually serve (and discreetly represent) the State, the US as a Nation.
Whenever we read a book, we essentially create a thought-form for the events and (especially) the characters within that narrative. The more emotionally invested we are (the stronger our attention/identification), the more energy will be directed into the creation of that thought form. So imagine millions of people watching a movie and adoring/identifying with the character: can this process create an actual “living” (somewhat conscious and "autonomous”) thought-form in the astral/Imaginal realms? If so, wouldn't it then become more powerful and autonomous, exponentially? The bigger it gets, the more it can enter our subconscious, the more energy it draws off us, and so on, ad infinitum. (Freddy Krueger and the Nightmare films would then be a sort of B-movie "revelation of the method" of this phenomenon!?).
There is also a subtler process at work here, witnessed by the ways in which male audience members (especially teenage) embrace dubious role models who, tho apparently rebellious, actually serve and represent the controlling elite. This form of misguided hero worship strips males of their true heroic (solar) potential, by giving them a false model, and a false narrative to follow, that of “resistance”, defiance, and brutality, which completely subverts and undermines the true heroism of surrendering the personal self to Spirit, that of service to what is greater. Such ideas are seen as wimpy, unmanly, in the context of the HW narrative (and especially the revenge fantasy of the "heroes" mentioned above).
HW heroes rarely actually serve the community in a true way – they aren’t nurturers or providers, and they certainly aren't healers. Their heroics comes down to one thing: killing and destruction—exactly in imitation (embodiment) of the military industrial complex that covertly directs the making of these movies.
Thanks for sharing this. HollyWood and American Stardom does indeed fit the pattern of intentional mass-mental-energy directing or shepherding.
Interestingly, what you may find, is there is no one person, group, or organization which is "responsible" - it's a phenomenon - frameworked and "projected" onto space-time from archetypal realms.
You should make it a regular thing to bring passages from the inner-forum to the outer realm. It's sounds like a good source of interesting ideas and discussion!
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thanks; anyone wishing to see further installments of the above, speak up; I see no sense in posting for an empty blog
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